We Encourage You to Support Our Partners
Pioneers' Cemetery Association works closely with the City of Phoenix Parks & Recreation as we maintain their facilities.
Pioneers' Cemetery Association is a member of the Association of Gravestone Studies. AGS is an international organization with an interest in gravemarkers of all periods and styles. Through its publications, conferences, workshops and exhibits, AGS promotes the study of gravestones from historical and artistic perspectives, expands public awareness of the significance of historic gravemarkers, and encourages individuals and groups to record and preserve gravestones. You can learn more about our Arizona affiliation on their Facebook page.
Pioneers' Cemetery Association is a member of the Arizona Historical Society whose mission is to collect, preserve, interpret, and disseminate the history of Arizona and the West. The resources held in trust by the Arizona Historical Society are the most comprehensive in scope---reflecting the history, development, and cultures of the state---available anywhere.
Local Museums & Preservation Groups
Pioneers' Cemetery Association has close ties with the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office in which a representative from their office holds a Board advisory position. PCA has contributed to their Inventory of Arizona Historic Cemeteries (IAHC).
We work closely with the Arizona Capitol Museum. Planning a tour of our cemeteries and the capitol is convenient - we'll be happy to help! The Arizona Capitol Museum uses a balance of technology, hands-on activities, historical artifacts, and public programs to help visitors learn about and interact with the government of the 48th state.
Heritage Square is a striking reminder of the city’s vibrant Victorian past. Located on Block 14 of the original townsite of Phoenix, the Square dates back to the late 1800s, and the restored Rosson House Museum is its crowning jewel. Whether you love history, technology, good food, or just a quiet place to reflect – a visit to Heritage Square is for you!
Our friends at the Digital Arizona Library have amazing resources to assist your research efforts. The Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records has merged the State Library of Arizona and Digital Arizona Library branches into the State of Arizona Research Library. Starting Monday, July 3 at 8:00 a.m., researchers needing materials from the physical collections will come to the Reading Room at the Polly Rosenbaum Archives and History building, 1901 West Madison.
The First Families of Arizona was founded in 1932 to preserve the heritage of Arizona's founding families. The organization's purpose is to preserve the historic relics, places and history of Arizona. The members of The First Families of Arizona remember the fortitude and stamina of the pioneer people who came to Arizona and whose character and ideas laid the foundation for the State. They seek to perpetuate the best of that heritage through our families and through the organization now and keep it alive for future generations. Membership is extended to individuals, their spouses and their direct descendants, whose pioneer ancestors arrived and established residence in territorial Arizona prior to Statehood Day, February 14, 1912.
Many thanks to our friends of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Grand Lodge of Arizona! Their support and friendship is treasured. They are "Striving to make our community a better place in which to live and to improve and elevate the character of mankind." Their support of historic preservation is a treasure.
Pioneers' Cemetery Association suggests you visit the Phoenix Police Museum on one of your visits downtown! Their purpose is to educate the public in the history of the Phoenix Police Department in historic and modern context in order to enhance the image of law enforcement; interact with the community through a positive learning environment; to promote and preserve the history of the department while building a closer relationship between the police department and community. The Museum provides a public location for an educational museum which is free for all.
The Maricopa County Justice Museum opened in 2012 and is centered around a restored cell block on the sixth floor of Maricopa County’s Historic old Courthouse – the Courthouse has been renovated to its 1929 grandeur. While visiting the museum, you will get a sense of Maricopa County’s legal history, its court cases and important elements of the Rule of Law, including individual rights and liberties guaranteed in the United States and Arizona constitutions. To our knowledge, it is the only such museum in an active courthouse in the country. The museum is located at 125 W. Wahington, Phoenix, AZ 85004.
Fabulous Friends & Local Businesses of Interest
Thanks to our friends at Phoenix Revitalization for their level of dedication to their community! They publish a local newsletter, promote a number of local events, and offer a great small print shop! Be sure to stop by their website!
Pioneers' Cemetery Association
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